05 December 2011

Wavering on Wallpaper

Our smallest guest room is fairly bare bones right now with white paint, white floors, a shaggy white area rug, and a black iron bed.  While I'm loving the bright look of it, it needs a more pulled together look and a bit of visual interest.  I'm considering wallpaper, although many naysayers have warned against it.  However, it seems that wallpaper application and removal has never been easier than with the self-adhesive variety that is so popular today.  At any rate, these are some photos that have been inspiring me:

{Love the tone on tone}

{This would be a big leap for me, but I like the overall effect...not sure I could commit to anything like this}

{J'adore this chinoiserie wallpaper..the mirror and chandelier aren't too shabby either!}

Hope you're having a lovely day, Alicia

1 comment:

  1. I love the first print, that color is so gorg! I love wallpaper it gives the room so much character! xx


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